The Beginning

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. - Proverbs 1:7


Fear in this context does not mean being afraid of or having anxiety about God, but having a holy reverence of God. Americans have forsaken the fear of God.

I hear people say that we need to pray for our country to recover before it's too late, as if it's only unbelievers, not Christians, that need to get right with God. We do need to pray for our country, and after we're done praying we also need to get up and do something about it, instead of sitting on the couch waiting for someone other than ourselves (such as a politician) to take action. As hard as we try, we should not and cannot outsource the Great Commission.

Why would any unbeliever wish to hear the Gospel when God's people are thinking and living like the world? Instead of wasting your life away in mindless hedonistic exercises such as watching government and corporate-controlled disinformation called the news, streaming TV shows, or scrolling on your smartphone; read and study your Bible, listen to sermons by a man of God, read books by Reformation-era theologians, get outside and spread the Gospel, and love your neighbor. Our Christian life on earth is not meant to fulfill our own selfish desires, but to choose to do God's will.

If you fill your mind with leftist, Silicon Valley propaganda, how do you expect to live like Christ? If you spend more time on social media than in your Bible, how can you expect to grow in your walk with the Lord? American Christians no longer fear Christ as the Lord of their life and have replaced God with the Party, the nation, recreation, and technology.

There is a great amount of educational information available on the Internet for Christians, but unfortunately most of it has been watered down by modernism or is just plain heresy. It can reduce one's assurance in the Word of God by confusing the reader, or it contradicts the doctrines found in the Scriptures.

My hope for Akai Tsurugi is that it will help direct people back to the old ways, when people feared God and read the Bible regularly. This is not intended to replace your daily Bible reading and study, but to encourage you to return to that lost habit and to provide tools for study.

This website is in its infancy and there is much work to be done, but I wanted to launch it regardless of the scarcity of content. Here are some upcoming additions to look forward to:

I won't post an update here in the News section every time a new item is added to the Library, so please check the Library pages for new content. By default the items with the latest updates will appear at the top.