Modern Leaven


This is an introduction to a series regarding issues that are plaguing churches. There is a great need for reformation in modern American churches. Too many Christians think that any disagreement is "unchristian" and that we must all come together in harmony and love. While we are to love one another, we should not tolerate false doctrines just because someone who claims to be a Christian teaches them. For inconsequential disagreements, we are to engage in loving, gentle debate with our fellow brethren. This series is not about minor disagreements.

Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.- Galatians 5:7-9

The New Testament contains numerous examples of individuals or groups corrupting the gospel, with instructions to sharply rebuke those who are not of sound doctrine. This series is meant to identify and explain these ideas, argue that they are unscriptural and damaging, and discuss their impact on churches and Christians. Some people may be offended by these articles, but the issues must be confronted.

These will not be ordered by their importance. I do not wish to approach these subjects with pride, but with humility, as these are problems that I have personally experienced or witnessed. Although these may not all be damnable heresies (in that believing these things will send you to hell), I do believe that they overthrow the faith of some and weaken churches. Thus, they indirectly lead people to hell in the long run.

There are many great deceptions that have bewitched Christians. External threats are obvious, but the deceptions that are eroding churches today are internal threats. By that I mean that Islam (an external threat) isn't killing churches as much as Christian seminaries (an internal threat) are. Although some external threats will be discussed, most of this series will focus on internal threats.

Some of the first articles in this series will be:

I will update this post with links to the articles in this series as time goes on.